How to Overcome the Fears of Writing a Book

Lots of people have a secret (or not so secret) dream of writing a book. But fear or self doubt often derails those dreams–fear that they don’t have enough time, fear that they aren’t good enough to write a book, fear of ridicule or failure, or fear that they don’t have anything interesting to say or that their idea is silly. So many fears can keep us from pursuing our writing dreams, but it is possible to overcome these fears and take the steps necessary to turn our dream into reality.

I’m afraid I don’t have enough time to write a book. ⌛️

Writing a book takes time, there's no doubt about that. But you don't need to dedicate hours and hours each day to writing your book. Even if you can only spare 30 minutes per day, that's still enough time to make significant progress on your book over several months or even years. Set realistic goals for yourself and don’t expect you will finish your book in a month, or even several months.

I'm afraid I’m not a good writer. ☹️

This is perhaps the most common fear that prevents people from writing a book. But you don't have to be a talented writer to write a book, because the skills needed to start, write and finish a book are learnable. Let go of perfectionism! Writing doesn't have to be perfect on the first try–in fact, it probably won't be. Everyone has to start somewhere and practice makes perfect. The more you write, the better you will become at it. Think of your first draft as an opportunity to get your ideas down on paper without worrying about spelling or grammar mistakes (those can be fixed later). By giving yourself permission to make mistakes, you give yourself room to explore different ideas and write freely without feeling like every word needs to be perfect right away.

I afraid I have nothing interesting to say.📢

A common fear that keeps people from writing a book is that they think they don’t have anything interesting to say or they think someone has already written this book. Here’s the truth: every book that will ever be written has already been written, and every story that will ever be told has already been told. But, someone with your unique perspective has not written those books and stories. Your story/book idea matters, and if you write it down, your voice will be heard. Don’t let fear prevent you from telling the world what is important to you. Even if someone has already written a book on the same topic or written a similar book, , there is still something special that only you can bring to that story through your own unique life experiences and your creative mind.

I'm afraid of failure.😳

Many people are afraid of putting their work out there for fear of criticism or failure. But everyone experiences failure in their lives. What matters is how you handle it and learn from it. Writing a book is no guarantee that it will become a bestseller. In fact, that may not even be your goal. Some people write books to establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry. Others write novels because they want to share their own stories through fiction, and the simple fact of completing the novel is success. With planning and effort, and with self-awareness about your most important personal goals for your book, you will be successful! 

I'm afraid of success.🏆

Believe it or not, some people are actually afraid of success. They worry they won't be able to live up to the expectations that come with being a published author. But if you're truly passionate about writing, then this shouldn't stop you from pursuing your dream. I promise you’ll learn to deal with success.

I'm afraid of what people will think; I’m afraid I’ll be judged.👩‍⚖️

Many people are afraid of what other people will think of them if they write a book. Aspiring authors are often afraid that others will not like what they have written, and they worry that they'll be judged, criticized, or even ridiculed for their efforts. While it's true that some people will always find something to criticize, don't let that stop you from sharing your story. Remember, there are many people who will appreciate and respect you for your courage in putting yourself out there. However, it is important to remember that not everyone is going to like your book and that is okay. The most important thing is that you write a book that you are proud of and that you enjoy writing.

I'm afraid my story/book idea is stupid or silly.🤪

It's natural to feel like your story or book idea sounds silly. Sharing our inner thoughts and ideas, our creativity, makes us feel vulnerable and many adults are uncomfortable with vulnerability. But vulnearaiblity connects us to other people. So if you begin to feel like your book will not be as good as other books out there or that you cannot write something worthy of being published, remember that there are no perfect stories/books out there. There are only stories that resonate with certain readers. So as long as you believe in your story–especially when it feels vulnerable to do so– there's bound to be someone out there who will love it just as much as you do. 

I’m afraid of rejection.🙅🏻‍♀️

The fear of rejection is another common fear among writers. People are afraid that their book will be rejected by publishers or that they will not be able to find an agent who believes in their work. However, it is important to remember that rejection is a part of the publishing process and that you should not let it deter you from your goals. Plus, the ease of self-publishing and the vast number of small and hybrid publishers mean that if you want to be published, you CAN be published. 

I don't know where to start.🎬

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the thought of writing a book, it's understandable. There's a lot that goes into it, from planning and outlining your story, to doing research, editing and revising your manuscript. Lots of aspiring authors never write their books because they don’t know where or how to start.

That’s where I come in. As a book coach, I help you get clarity on your ideas, create a solid foundation for your book and show you, step by step, how to start, write and finish your manuscript. A book coach often gets involved early in the project when the writer wants help all the way through to the finish line (although I also help when writers get stuck and can’t seem to finish their drafts, and I help with revisions). The best part of working with a book coach is that I can help guide your work and project forward in real time, as it is being written, supporting you not just from an editorial standpoint but also from the project management and emotional standpoints, as well.

And guess what else I do? I help you slay these fears and overcome the doubts that will derail your dreams of writing when the going gets tough. 

Writing a book can be an intimidating process, but with the right mindset and support system in place, you can accomplish your goal of becoming a published author. Whether it's working through self-doubt, fear of failure, or overwhelm at getting started, having someone who understands the writing process to help guide you is essential for success. With dedication, hard work and determination, anything is possible! You have what it takes to write that amazing story that will capture readers' hearts—you just need to take the first step.

Want to book a free book-coaching call with me? Go here to schedule, or email me at

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